Hi, Andrew and Lecia here,

If you're keen to start your own online income generator but really don't know where to start then don't worry, we get it because we've been there!

Over 3 years ago we started trying to understand the online space and we went from trying to figure it out and the DIY (Do-It-Yourself) way, which drove us totally around the bend, to Lecia studying e-commerce and Digital Marketing, to us signing up with another online membership who promised to show us how and to be honest, as much as we learned which was all helpful, after 3 years we really were no closer to starting our own online business.

We'd been convinced to become affiliates for someone else's business, spending a fortune on ads and things like website hosting, email autoresponders and all the things you're told you need (but really don't when you're starting out!) and it left us feeling disillusioned and frustrated with the whole lot!

Then by chance, one day we came across Searchie - a seriously user friendly hosting platform and we were so excited because finally we could start our own online business with everything we needed all under one roof!

We come from a simple background and really just want to use tools that are user friendly and easy to understand. Andrew is a Master Butcher by trade and Lecia comes from health and wellness, so we didn't know much to begin with but we new that if we wanted to live a life of location and time freedom, that an online business was the answer.




Our mission is to guide others who are new to online income creation by sharing what we've found to be the simplest and most effective way to get started. We want to make this process as straightforward as possible, guiding you through our easy three-step method: Create, Host, Launch.

Let us help you turn your ideas, interests, hobbies, skills, and knowledge into sustainable online income smoothly and effortlessly—without the tech headaches.

Join us at Earn Online Freedom, and let's make your online income journey a success together!


Our membership is completely free and will be going live soon but for now if you want to try out Membership.io for free, then click on the button below and give it a try. Please feel free to email us should you need any extra guidance.